<How To Sell On Ebay

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Friday, October 27, 2006

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Automating Your Ebay Business

They great thing about doing business on eBay is you can automate 70% of your daily chores after and before sale - and 100% if you selling information products.

The things that you can automate are:

Leaving feedback - you can setup you eBay business in such a way that everytime someone leaves a postive feedback, your automated system replies with a positive too. A great tip is to clearly state this on you auction. example: Thank you for looking at my auction, if you do decide to purchase, kindly note that I have a system setup that will automaticlly leave you postive feedback if you leave me one. This encourages buyers to leave feedback fast because your automated system will not only benefit them (As their feedback rating will increase), but yours too as they will be motivated to leave you feedback.

Recieving feedback - You can also set-up follow up where you can set up a 3 day or 7 day period (You decide) that automaticlly contacts the buyer that hasn not left any feedback for you to take action and leave feedback. Again in this email, you can emphasize that your system will leave them an automatic feedback too.

Purchase Thank You Letters - Thank you letters are a great first step when it comes to building a relationship with your customers. After each purchase, you can set up your eBay account to send custom thank you letters.

Payment Recieved Letters - You can send an additional letter after payment has been received. This gives the buyer the peace of mind that they will soon be getting their product now.

Now to automate all the things above, simply sign up with selling manager pro provided by eBay. You can even automate the auction re-listing process and send second chance offers. Its a great tool to grow your business and automate.

I personally recommend it and you can get more information on it here:


But if you are selling information products - you are in for a treat

Not only can you automate the above but 100% of your eBay business and by that I mean product delivery.

All you need is MS Outlook - which is standard with every version of windows now and a PayPal account.

So here is how it all works together:

You setup MS Outlook with the same email you are using to send and receive payments through PayPal. So now when you press send and receive button on MS Outlook, you should receive payment notifications from PayPal.

You setup two mail filters the subject line and message in body and create a reply text.

For subject line use,

Notification of a Cleared eCheck Instant Purchase
Notification of an Instant Payment Received

For message in body,

User your auction title

For reply text, (This goes automatically to your customer once they meet the above criteria)

Insert the download link (To your product) so when your customer opens this email, they click the link and their it is - your product just got delivered.

Once MS outlook receives an email with the subject line that was defined in the mail filters, it checks it with other filter (Message in body). If it they both match, MS outllooks sends a reply to that email from PayPal (Which directly replys to the customer who sent you payemnt) with the reply text you defined.

To set up the proper email account on MS Outlook visit this great tutorial:


To set up MS Outlook to automatically reply to your customer:

Got to Tools Message Rules Menu Click on New and follow instructions


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